Walk it Out for National Walking Day!

As you know National Walking Day was last Wednesday but better late than never! Celebrate by joining us for our annual Sip + Stroll event tomorrow, 4/13, starting at 5:30 PM. If there’s one thing we love at TWR, besides suanas of course, it’s our hot girl walks! Join us afterwards for a post-walk Hunnies B. Powered Smoothie. This smoothie is the perfect mix combo of sweet and buzzy. It contains B. Powered Superfood honey to keep your skin glowing and mind clear. Plus it helps tame those pesky allergies - who else is struggling with this weather?!

Walking is sooooo important we made it a national holiday! Walking benefits us by….

  • strengthening cardiovascular and pulmonary systems 

  • reduced risk of heart disease and stroke

  • regulating conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint and muscular pain or stiffness, and diabetes

  • improving balance

  • increasing muscle strength and endurance

  • reducing cortisol levels (S/O Stress Awareness Month!)

    I also got the chance to ask the founder of Hike and Heal, Brandi Nicole, questions about walking, wellness and Wednesday’s event:

What are your big three (sun moon rising) astrological signs?

  • Sag, Virgo, Leo

If you were an affirmation - what affirmation would you be?

  • I believe it, I receive it, and so it is. 

When did you start hike and heal?

  • March 2019 

How are you celebrating National Walking day? 

  • We are celebrating with our annual Stroll+Sip across the Ben Franklin Bridge with our friends at The Wellness Refinery!

What’s your favorite part of stroll and sip?

  • My favorite part is meeting the Hunnies that join to face their fear of heights and bridges with us. To know that they feel safe with us is truly heartwarming. 

What are you usually sippin on?

  • Iced oat latte with cinnamon or lavender 

Why should everyone come to stroll and sip?

  • If you're looking to meet like minded women and want to join the wellness turn up after work, this is the place to be! Think of it as a wellness social hour. 

Tomorrow has a high of 81 degrees so get your sunglasses on and your booty movin’ for Stroll & Sip with our pals at Hike + Heal!

Ashleigh Stewart